Autumn Leaves and Pumpkins Please

As Autumn draws closer to winter I’m reminded constantly of why I love this time of year so much. The darker nights, so much more cosy and inviting for a good night’s sleep, the temperature being just right for cosy winter clothes without needing a ton of layers or feeling too warm when going in and out of buildings, the crisp morning air and the beautiful colours adorning every tree.

I am very much a lover of anything pumpkin, and by anything I mean also eating pumpkin. For some reason people seem to think these are just for making Jacko-Lanterns but they really are a very versatile food.

This year I’ve roasted pumpkin seeds and made pumpkin pie, pumpkin hash browns, pumpkin pancakes, pumpkin curries.. but my most favourite way to eat this is to scoop out all the middle and roast the whole pumpkin with chilli inside it. Roast pumpkin tastes amazing, is soft so you can eat it with a spoon and it gives a lovely flavour to whatever you cook inside it.

Of course I also love Halloween so I have made the obligatory lanterns, dressed up the house and made the most of the spookiness of the season.

Yes, Autumn is by far, my favourite season.

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